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Report Scam

Help us to solve your case

Important information

Before you report your fraud case to us, please read the following information carefully.

Reporting fraud to Cryptorensics does not replace the need to file a criminal complaint or seek legal advice. In any case, file a criminal complaint if you have been the victim of fraud and seek legal advice.

Although reporting fraud to Cryptorensics does not exempt you from the need to file a criminal complaint and seek legal advice, it does offer you advantages.
Thanks in part to the data submitted by fraud victims, we carry out comprehensive investigations into individual cases of fraud. We make the results of these investigations available to the investigating authorities. The investigating authorities regularly succeed in preventing further fraud and often also in recovering stolen funds and compensating fraud victims.
What’s more, with your data you may also ensure that other victims of fraud can be helped.

We need a description of the fraud case as detailed as possible for your fraud report. Please make sure that you only describe the actual course of events in the case and do not add any assumptions to this description. If you have any assumptions about your case (e.g. possible perpetrators, remaining of embezzled funds, etc.), please add these assumptions separately and mark them as assumptions at the end of the case description.
If you have made or received deposits or withdrawals in cryptocurrencies, please provide us with the relevant cryptocurrency addresses and transaction IDs. If you have proof of this (e.g. screenshots), please attach these to your fraud report.
If you have made or received deposits or withdrawals in local currency (e.g. by bank transfer, credit card, etc.), please let us know, but be careful not to disclose any sensitive data. Only tell us the recipient for deposits and the sender for withdrawals.

The fraud report is of course absolutely free of charge for you.

Your details from the fraud report are collected and processed in order to respond to your inquiry.
The data relating to the fraud case will be anonymized before processing and further storage. For example, if we store one of your Bitcoin addresses, we will not store your name as the owner of this address, but only a synonym, such as Case 1 – Customer 1.
Your personal data (e.g. name, e-mail, etc.) will be deleted after your request has been processed.

Anonymous report

You can also submit your fraud report anonymously. To do so, please enter Anonymous as your name and as your e-mail address.

Please note:
If you submit an anonymous fraud report, we will not be able to contact you if your data is missing or incorrect.
As this is usually necessary, we recommend that you do not submit your fraud report anonymously.

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    I have read and understood the instructions for reporting fraud. (You will find the information directly above the form).
    I agree that my details from the form will be collected and processed to answer my request. The data relating to the fraud case will be anonymized before processing and further storage. Your personal data will be deleted after your request has been processed. Note: You can revoke your consent at any time for the future by sending an email to